Immigration is a massive issue in American society right now and especially with the Hispanic race. In this political cartoon, a man sitting at a counter says, "I'm against giving illegal aliens in this country any benefits". This remark shows his arrogance because America is suppose to be the land of opportunity for everyone but the Americans are not allowing freedoms to everyone. Also in the cartoon, are two Hispanic men who are cooks where the American man is dining. One Hispanic man ask the other Hispanic man, "Jose,what does this 'benefits mean'?" and the other man replies, " It is what we do for their economy for five bucks a day". These remarks show that even though the Hispanic man is working, he does not realize the benefits because he is not being rewarded properly. Also by the reply, one can see that the other Hispanic man sees the five dollars a day as being a benefit. The cartoon reinforces the fact that in America there is immigration issues but it even more says that the people of this country are not handling the situation in the proper manner.
This political cartoon relates to the exert we read because in both situations there are are groups of people that stereotype another group and due to this, they are unable to live and work in the same environment without some kind of hostility. In both situations the people did not even get to know the other one before they made assumptions. They did not even provide the chance to become friends and be able to except one another.
If people would stop stereotyping and making silly assumptions, the world could be a much better and peaceful place. People do not think about how they could benefit each other before they decide that the other one is going to harm them or bring them down. In both situations they could have helped each other out. The Indians could have helped the Puritans with food and the Puritans could have provided the Indians with the information and knowledge of a different lifestyle. In addition, in the cartoon the American could have been more appreciative of the hard work of the Hispanics. I feel that before people start to make assumptions they should get to know them first.
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